
Where Everything Comes Together

Client Acquisition

Your new clients are out there — let's go get them.

For some of our clients, all they need to tackle their business goals is a marketing strategy, sales support, or a new website. And that’s great! At Sortis, we understand there’s no one-size-fits-all, pre-defined recipe for success that will work for every organization. When you work with our team, we support you in any way that you need.

However, we strongly believe that integrating your marketing and sales teams can yield a better return on investment. Too often, B2B companies allow these departments to work in silos. The result? A lack of marketing ROI and a sales team complaining that marketing isn’t delivering leads. You’ll end up wasting time and money, and neither department is truly happy.

What happens when we fix that?

  • Sales gest more leads
  • Marketing sees that their efforts are marketing a measurable difference
  • Employees stay at your organization longer due to greater success
  • Your business grows
  • Both marketing and sales see a positive ROI

Watch this video to learn all about our client acquisition methodology — and how it can help your business — in less than two minutes!

Process Overview

your brand

What is your brand? How unique are you in your market? This will help us understand what messages resonate with your prospects.

Identify Your
Business Goals

What business goals do you want to achieve this year, next year and the year after that? What impact would you like your marketing to have on your revenue? We’ll set goals and establish metrics to measure our progress to ensure we’re helping you get where you want to be.

Create a "Micro" marketing campaign to support our meeting hunters.

Our team will design a comprehensive strategy that uses the most effective mix of tactics to achieve the results that meet your goals

Generate Meeting Forecast

Using our proprietary process, we’ll create a monthly forecast demonstrating the results and ROI you can expect from our efforts.

Set Timeline

We’ll outline the timeframe for onboarding, foundational work and implementation. We’ll work with you to meet any important deadlines you may have.

Set Up Measurement Tools and CRM (if needed)

We’ll install the measurement tools to help us evaluate how your website and marketing program are performing over time.

Launch Effort

Time for marketing and our sales hunters to begin! Our strategy will get meetings and we’ll evolve it over time.

Review Performance and Evolve

We’re constantly reviewing our performance and making adjustments to your marketing & sales programs to ensure we deliver what we forecasted.

Celebrate Success!

With our creative and analytical approach, we’ll help move your business forward and supercharge your client acquisition efforts.


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